What is Recycling?
Recyclable wastes like glass, metal, plastic and paper/cardboard through various physical and chemical processes, converting to a new raw material and re-acquire the manufacturing process is called recycling.
Consumed substances with recycling to join back into the consumption ring first and foremost reduced raw material needs. Also re-recyclable material used as raw material formakes it possible to save large amounts of energy. For example, regain use of aluminum compared to the manufacture of aluminum from scratch up makes 35% energy savings.
This, recycling as well as provide the ability of benefit from natural resources to future generations, and will also provide new business opportunities. As a result of recycling one of the most important products provided re-raw material recovery are plastics.
Plastics, when thrown into the garbage rot, doesn't rust and it is insoluble, remains incorruptible in nature and biologically intact 100-1000 years; It causes pollution of water and soil.
Intensive consumption, makes it indispensable for many products as raw materials which sources are crude oil, gas and coal. This causes, to increase the amount of oil in plastic production, the exhaustion of energy resources rapidly and it will lead to growth of energy shortage. Because of this recycling of the plastic waste is vital cause.
Materials that can be thrown to the Recycle Bin:
PET, PE, PS, PP, PVC bottles, plastic milk and buttermilk boxes, plastic bags, plastic soda bottles, plastic soft drink bottles, shampoo, detergent, bleach bottles, stretch film, yogurt containers.
Materials that can't be thrown to the Recycle Bin:
Motor Oil cans, paint cans, margarine containers, dirty and greasy containers.